Abstract:Protein requirements for black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) fingerlings weredetermined by using purifed diet which consists of casein, crystalline amino acids,fish liver oil, white dextrin, crystalline vitamins, mineral mixture and cellulone flour.Prior to investigating the quantitative amino acid requivements of black carp finger-lings, the composition of indispensable amino acids in diets was adjusted to that of wholeegg protein. Thirteen lots, each of 40 fish were raised in polypropylene aquarium.Feeding experiments were continued for 8 weeks. The tests showed that the fish weredecreased in weight when protein level in diet was lesa than 5%, and they were increas-ed obviouslly when the protein level was 5--41%, and there exists a linear relationshipbetween protein level in diet and the weight gained. Excessive protein levels generallyhave toxic effects on fish and will reduce growth and increase mortality. The results of this experiement indicate that the optimum level of protein in dietfor black carp fingerlings should be 41%,based on the growth of fish and food conver-sion ratio. Therefore, the recommended amount of crude protein in practical diets forone year old fish (second-year fish) is 33% and for two years old fish (third-year fish)is 28%.