Abstract:It is important to measure the distribution of the electric field, which will provide a basic idea for imprav ing the arragement o# electrodes or deciding footage level,current intensity and povsrer. But the measuring work in the full scale electric field is always complicate. A kind of simulation method is proposed. If the parameters in model scale electric field were measured in laboratory, then the corresponding paraxneters in the full scale system could. be easily calculated. out. In this paper the relation between two systems has been calculated in terms of theory. The formulae are as in the following: 1)tne reiai.ion af the geomeiric dimensions,λL=Lf/Lm=rf/rm=df/rm; 2) the relation of the electric potential , φf=If×Lm×ρf×φm/Im×Lf×ρm. This simulation mathod is reliable and it has been proved by the result of the egperim cots.