Abstract:This paper deals with the comparatiiv morphology of the fins of Chinese Scorpaennid fishes with partie.ular referenee to their patterns. The Scorpaenaformes of China are represented by 15 families, 70 genera and 140 species. The order of study is dorsal, anal, caudal, pectoral and ventral fins. Aiccording to the combined characteristars of the fins, 20 patterns and 25 subpatterns are divided,which are named after the names of typical genera. Fivo divisions are presented, vix. (1) Morphological patterns of the fins of Chinese Scorpaenoid fishes, (2) Morphology and tendeney of different.iations of the fins, (3)Comparative morphology of the fins of Seorpaenifornles With those of Perciformos and other Orders, (4) Correlation between Morphology and Ecology of the fins, ( 5) Morphology of the fins and Phylogeny of Chinese Scorpaeniformas.