饵料卤虫的营养强化对黑斑口虾蛄(Oratosquilla kempi) 幼体消化酶活力及其抗逆性的影响






Influence of nutrition-intensified Artemia nauplii on digestive enzyme activities and anti-stress in larval Oratosquilla kempi

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    用扁藻、酵母和“鱼油+酵母”强化3种方式处理的卤虫无节幼体投喂黑斑口虾蛄幼体,对各组黑斑口虾蛄幼体消化酶活力和抗逆性差别分析。结果显示,经过“鱼油+酵母”强化的幼体对氨氮、福尔马林、饥饿和盐度的耐受性均强于对照组。经过扁藻和“鱼油+酵母”强化的第Ⅲ相幼体脂肪酶活力是对照组的3倍,经过酵母和“鱼油+酵母”强化的仔虾蛄幼体脂肪酶活力较高。在第Ⅲ相幼体中淀粉酶活力为扁藻> 酵母> 对照>“鱼油+酵母”强化,仔虾蛄中酶活力为扁藻> 对照> 酵母>“鱼油+酵母”强化。在酵母强化第Ⅲ相幼体和“鱼油+酵母”强化仔虾蛄中纤维素酶活力最高。第Ⅲ相幼体对照组的胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力均为最高,而“鱼油+酵母”强化仔虾蛄幼体的胃蛋白酶和类胰蛋白酶活力均高于对照组。黑斑口虾蛄幼体消化酶活性和抗逆性能力的变化趋势与其成活率、变态率、生长速度、EPA和DHA含量变化趋势相同,可以作为评价饵料质量好坏的重要指标。


    The Artemia nauplii were cultivated with three different conditions, fed with the algae (Platymonas subcordiformis) (E-algae), the yeast (E-yeast), enriched with fish oil (E-oil) for 12 h and a control (starved for 12 h), and then were fed to Oratosquilla kempi larvae. After that, the Ammonia toxicity, Salinity stress, formalin toxicity, starvation tolerance test and digestive enzyme activities (lipase, amylase, Cellulase, Pepsin and tryptase) of different Oratosquilla kempi larvae were examined. The results showed that the tolerances of the E-oil third phase and infant larvae were more elevated than the E-yeast, E-algae and control. Larvae were exposed during 2h to Ammonia, Salinity, formalin and starvation. Based on mortality rates, the median lethal concentration for 50% of the population (LC50) was estimated. As expected from earlier work, larvae fed the optimal diet presented higher n-3 HUFA contents as well as higher Survival and metamorphosis rates. Lipase of the third phase larvae were observed. Higher activities were observed in the E-algae and E-oil larvae which were thrice that of the control. The higher activities of the infant larvae were found in the E-yeast and E-oil, but no lipase activities were found in the E-yeast third phase and E-algae infant larvae, respectively. The highest amylase activities were found in both the E-algae third phase and infant larvae, which were around 69% and 175% higher than the E-oil third phase and infant larvae, respectively. The highest Cellulase activities were observed in the E-yeast third phase and E-oil infant larvae, respectively. The secretion of Pepsin and tryptase were elevated in the E-algae, E-yeast and E-oil infant larvae groups compared to the control, but the highest Pepsin and tryptase activities of the third phase larvae group were found in the control. The digestive enzyme activities and anti-stress test of Oratosquilla kempi larvae were also related to its survival, metamorphic, growth rates and EPA, DHA compositions, proved to be a valuable and important criterion for evaluating the nutritional condition of diets.


王春琳.饵料卤虫的营养强化对黑斑口虾蛄(Oratosquilla kempi) 幼体消化酶活力及其抗逆性的影响[J].水产学报,2007,31(6):778~784

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  • 收稿日期:2007-10-27
  • 最后修改日期:2007-10-27
  • 录用日期:
  • 在线发布日期: 2007-10-28
  • 出版日期: 2007-11-16
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