





国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2011ZX07101–012–008); 国家自然科学基金项目(20977027, 31070451); 湖州市重大科技专项(2007ZDN01)

The annual variation of blue algae biomass and nitrogen levels and their correlation at different inlet areas of south Taihu Lake

Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou Teachers College,Huzhou Teachers College,Water Quality Monitoring Stations,Huzhou Water Supply Company,Huzhou Teachers College

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    为了解南太湖水域近年来水质状况, 以及蓝藻生物量与氨氮和总氮之间的变化规律, 实验采用统计学方法, 对南太湖水域3个入湖口(小梅港、新塘港、大钱港)水质中蓝藻生物量、氨氮和总氮的年变化特征进行了调查; 使用SPSS 10.0中的Bivariate(pcarson)软件对蓝藻生物量与氨氮和总氮的相关性进行了分析。结果表明: (1) 南太湖入湖口蓝藻生物量一般有两个高位期, 一个是在每年5—6月, 另一个在每年的9—10月; (2) 南太湖入湖口的总氮浓度处于富营养水平, 并有向重富营养化发展的迹象; (3) 蓝藻生物量与氨氮浓度的相关性系数r介于-0.102~-0.290, 呈现不相关; (4) 2008—2009年蓝藻生物量与总氮浓度的相关系数r介于-0.010~0.210, 呈现不相关; 2010年蓝藻生物量与总氮浓度的相关系数r介于-0.430~-0.474, 呈现低度负相关。结果说明南太湖入湖口的氮营养盐已经不容忽视, 湖泊中氨氮和总氮浓度升高, 将为蓝藻的繁殖生长提供条件, 蓝藻一旦暴发, 氨氮和总氮浓度反而迅速降低, 在南太湖水域蓝藻生物量与氨氮和总氮浓度之间存在一定的此消彼长规律。


    Outbreaks of blue algae bloom in Taihu Lake have occurred frequently since 2006. Lots of blue algae appeared along the shore of south Taihu Lake from July to November every year, and the highest concentration of algae in water could reach more than 170 million per liter in 2007 and 2008. The worsened water environment, especially during the period of severe eutrophication, not only made the lake basin be faced with the risks of the shortage of high quality drinking water, but also caused the lake reduction of fish species and appearance of smaller, younger or trash fish. South Taihu Lake generally refers to the areas located along the part of the lake in Zhejiang Province, and the water quality data available is very limited compared with those of east or north Taihu Lake for the future concern on the issue. An annual variation of blue algae biomass, NH4+-N and TN levels at Xiaomei, Xintang and Daqian inlet areas of south Taihu Lake was determined at regular intervals so as to find out the water quality conditions and the variation regularity between the blue algae biomass and ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N) or total nitrogen (TN). The correlation between the blue algae biomass and NH4+-N or TN was analyzed by SPSS 10.0. The results showed that: (1) the blue algae biomass at different inlet areas had two peaks, one in May-June, and the other in September-October each year; (2) water quality was in eutrophic phase due to the high TN level; (3) the correlation coefficient (r) between biomass and NH4+-N level was -0.102 to -0.290, indicating not correlated; (4) the r value between biomass and TN level in 2008—2009 was -0.010 to 0.210, indicating not correlated; and with the r value of -0.430 to -0.474 in 2010, meaning lowly-negative correlated. Attention should be paid to the high nitrate level at different inlet areas of south Taihu Lake. The lake in high concentration of NH4+-N and TN, might provide the conditions for growth and reproduction of blue algae, but in the case of the outbreaks of blue algae bloom, NH4+-N and TN concentrations would decrease rapidly. In south Taihu Lake basin exists the wane and wax regularity between the blue algae biomass and NH4+-N or TN. And the above-mentioned results could provide the necessary data for the analysis of the time and conditions of blue algae bloom in south Taihu Lake and make it possible to provide early warning information for the outbreak of blue algae bloom and water quality deterioration.


韩志萍,邵朝纲,张易祥,杨志红,吴 湘,唐 铭,叶金云.南太湖入湖口蓝藻生物量与氮营养因子的年变化特征以及相关性研究[J].水产学报,2012,36(6):922~929

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  • 收稿日期:2011-08-17
  • 最后修改日期:2012-01-22
  • 录用日期:2012-03-12
  • 在线发布日期: 2012-06-20
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