



Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum on uptake and the accumulation of PSP toxins in oyster Ostrea rivularis

Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Aquatic Products Processing and Safety,Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing of Aquatic Products of Guangdong Higher Education Institution,National Research and Development Branch Center for Shellfish Processing Zhanjiang,College of Food Science and Technology,Guangdong Ocean University

Fund Project:

supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

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    为获知近江牡蛎对有毒微小亚历山大藻的滤食以及蓄积PSP毒素的规律性,本实验采用细胞毒性为(93.42±2.55)×10-6 MU/个的微小亚历山大藻投喂近江牡蛎,以无毒扁藻投喂作对照,首先研究了0.5×103~3.0×103个/mL 6个不同浓度的毒藻对近江牡蛎滤食的影响,然后投喂浓度为1.5×103个/mL的毒藻,分别研究15 h短期蓄积和5 d长期蓄积对近江牡蛎体内毒素的影响及规律。结果表明,在0.5×103~1.5×103个/mL毒藻浓度范围内牡蛎清滤率较高,超过1.5×103个/mL时牡蛎清滤率显著下降(P<0.01),由此确定后期投喂毒藻的浓度“阀值”为1.5×103个/mL;短期蓄积实验牡蛎在0~6 h内将有毒藻滤食尽,其体内PSP毒素在6~12 h间达到最大值[(149.6±10.5)MU/100 g],随后开始下降。长期蓄积实验过程中,牡蛎的清滤率没有发生显著变化(P>0.01),在蓄积实验的第2天牡蛎体内PSP毒素水平超过国家限量标准(400 MU/100 g),在5 d实验结束时,牡蛎体内PSP毒素水平高达(3 069.2±178.2) MU/100 g,高于国家限量标准的7.7倍。实验结果作为PSP在近江牡蛎中蓄积及代谢的重要基础数据,为研究PSP的脱除及净化提供思路。


    To study the filter-feeding and accumulation rate of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins(PSP)in Ostrea rivularts,the strain of A.minutum with a specific toxicity of(93.42±2.55)×10-6 MU/cell was fed in this work.Firstly,the effect in clearance rate of A.minutum at 6 different concentrations of 0.5×103-3.0×103 cells/mL was discussed.Then the concentration of 1.5×103cells/mL of toxic algae was fed,and the accumulation of the 15 h short-term and 5 days long-term accumulation experiments were conducted to study the toxicity and accumulation laws,respectively.Results showed the oyster clearance rate is higher between concentrations 0.5×103-1.5×103 cells/mL,but while more than 1.5×103 cells/mL,it fell significantly(P<0.01),indicating that the “threshold” toxic algae concentration was 1.5×103 cells/mL.The oyster finished food that was offered once during the 0-6 h experiment,the maximum toxicity of oyster was (149.6±10.5) MU/100 g during 6-12 h and then began to decline.When fed oysters twice daily with concentration of A.minutum(1.5×103 cells/mL)up to 5 days,the clearance rate of oyster did not change significantly,it led the toxicity of PSP to exceed the regulatory limit(400 MU/100 g)on the following day.At the end of the accumulation experiment,PSP toxin level was as high as(3 069.2±178.2) MU/100 g,which was higher than the regulatory limit by 7.7 times.Result of the study serve as important basic data of the PSP accumulation and metabolism of Ostrea rivularis,and provide the advanced thinking for the removal and purification of the PSP in fisheries.



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  • 收稿日期:2013-03-13
  • 最后修改日期:2013-09-03
  • 录用日期:2013-12-10
  • 在线发布日期: 2013-12-24