



Effects of transportation density and salinity on cortisol,glycogen and lactate of large yellow croaker(Larimichthys crocea)juveniles

College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University,,,College of Fisheries and Life Science,Shanghai Ocean University

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    为了确定大黄鱼运输的适宜条件,实验选取平均体质量为(0.12±0.03)g 的大黄鱼幼鱼为实验对象,采取析因设计,设3个运输密度(2、4 和 8 g/L)和5个运输盐度(5、10、15、20和25),共计15个处理组研究了不同密度和盐度运输条件下,大黄鱼幼鱼皮质醇、糖元及乳酸含量的变化。经过水温16.5℃、10 h的运输,统计各组的死亡率,测定各组水中总氨氮含量。结果显示,在运输结束后,4和8 g/L 密度组死亡率(1.33%、2.63%)显著高于2 g/L密度组(0.77%),盐度25组死亡率(0.44%)显著低于盐度10、15组(1.94%、1.67%),盐度10、15组死亡率显著低于盐度5组(2.72%),各组水中总氨氮含量较运输前(0.15 mg/L)均显著升高,各密度组水中总氨氮含量均有显著性差异,高密度组总氨氮含量高于低密度组,8 g/L密度条件下盐度5组水中总氨氮含量(1.63 mg/L)显著高于盐度15(1.38 mg/L)、盐度20(1.34 mg/L)和盐度25(1.31 mg/L)组,4 g/L密度条件下盐度5组水中总氨氮含量(1.31 mg/L)显著高于其他各盐度组,2 g/L密度条件下盐度5组水中总氨氮含量(0.83 mg/L)显著高于盐度25组(0.49 mg/L);运输胁迫导致各组皮质醇含量均较运输前(6 476.35 ng/L)显著升高,各组间皮质醇含量无显著性差异;各组糖元含量均较运输前(4.37 mg/g prot)显著降低,运输后各组间糖元含量无显著性差异;各组乳酸含量均较运输前(0.57 mmol/g prot)显著升高,运输后各密度组间乳酸含量无显著性差异,3个密度下盐度5组乳酸含量(1.91、2.02、1.76 mmol/g prot)均显著高于盐度20(1.55、1.21、1.69 mmol/g prot)和盐度25组(1.36、1.44、1.26 mmol/g prot),盐度10组乳酸含量(1.77、1.83、1.60 mmol/g prot)显著高于盐度25组(1.36、1.44、1.26 mmol/g prot)。研究表明,较高的运输密度和较低的盐度会加重大黄鱼的应激性反应,在本实验条件下,规格为 0.1 g左右的大黄鱼幼鱼,其运输密度不宜超过8 g/L,盐度不宜低于5。


    In order to determine the transport conditions of large yellow croaker,this paper studied changes of cortisol,glycogen and lactate of large yellow croaker juveniles under the conditions of different density and salinity during transportation.The average body mass of large yellow croaker juveniles was 0.12±0.03 g,three treatments of density(2,4 and 8 g/L)and five treatments of salinity(5,10,15,20 and 25),totally fifteen treatments were set up.After the transportation of 10 h at 16.5℃,mortality and total ammonia nitrogen in water of each group were determined.Results showed that groups with 4 and 8 g/L density(1.33%,2.63%)had significantly higher mortalities than the group of density of 2 g/L(0.77%)(P<0.05),and group of salinity 25(0.44%)had a significantly lower mortality than that at salinity of 10 and 15(1.94%,1.67%)(P<0.05),groups with salinity 10 and15 had a significantly lower mortality than salinity 5 group(2.72%)(P<0.05).Total ammonia nitrogen in water was significantly increased after transportation compared with before(0.15 mg/L)(P<0.05),the total ammonia nitrogen in water were significantly different among different density groups(P<0.05),total ammonia nitrogen content in high density group was higher than that in low density groups; 8 g/L density under the condition of salinity 5 group(1.63 mg/L)had a significantly higher content of total ammonia nitrogen in water salinity of 15(1.38 mg/L),20(1.34 mg/L)and 25(1.31 mg/L)salinity groups,4 g/L density under the condition of 5 salinity group(1.31 mg/L)had a significantly higher content of total ammonia nitrogen in water with the salinity group,2 g/L density under the condition of 5 group(0.83 mg/L)had a significantly higher content of total ammonia nitrogen in water salinity 25 group(0.49 mg/L)(P<0.05).Cortisol levels after transportation were significantly increased compared before transportation(6 476.35 ng/L)(P<0.05); however,cortisol levels showed no significant difference between groups(P>0.05).Glycogen content in each group was significantly reduced compared before transportation(4.37 mg/g prot)(P<0.05),and there was no significant difference between groups(P>0.05).Lactic acid content in each group was significantly higher than that before transportation(0.57 mmol/g prot)(P<0.05),the density had no significant effect on lactic acid levels(P>0.05),for salinity,lactic acid content of salinity 5 group at each density(1.91 mmol/g prot,2.02 mmol/g prot,1.76 mmol/g prot)was significantly higher than salinity 20(1.55 mmol/g prot,1.21 mmol/g prot,1.69 mmol/g prot)and 25 group(1.36 mmol/g prot,1.44 mmol/g prot,1.26 mmol/g prot)(P<0.05),lactic acid content of salinity 10 group(1.77 mmol/g prot,1.83 mmol/g prot,1.60 mmol/g prot)was significantly higher than salinity 25 group(1.36 mmol/g prot,1.44 mmol/g prot,1.26 mmol/g prot)(P<0.05).Statistical analysis showed high transport density and lower salinity can aggravate the stress responses of large yellow croaker juveniles,suggesting that in the conditions of transportation,and with specifications of large yellow croaker larvae around 0.1 g,the transportation requirements should not be higher than 8 g/L in density,and lower than 5 of salinity.



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  • 收稿日期:2013-10-14
  • 最后修改日期:2013-12-05
  • 录用日期:2014-05-19
  • 在线发布日期: 2014-07-11