
农业农村部物种资源保护 (渔业) 项目(171821301354051015)

Establishing length-weight relationship and predicting size at first maturity of Oratosquilla oratoria based on polyphasic model
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    为获取口虾蛄初次性成熟体长信息,实验以2018年4—8月渤海湾逐月拖网资源科学调查捕获的口虾蛄为对象,分别建立口虾蛄体长-体质量的幂函数关系式和两段式关系式,并基于两段式关系模型进行初次性成熟体长估算。结果显示,两段式关系模型较幂函数关系模型更适于表达口虾蛄的体长-体质量关系,基于Huxley’s传统的幂函数关系模型,口虾蛄存在明显的两个体长-体质量关系组,基于两段式体长-体质量关系模型估算,得到口虾蛄总体、雌性和雄性的初次性成熟体长分别为10.99、11.01和10.85 cm。研究表明,口虾蛄性成熟阶段,更多的能量被分配用于性成熟过程,更少的能量用于身体的生长,该现象在雌性口虾蛄群体更为明显。


    The size at first maturity was one of the most important biological characteristics for fishery population. In order to know the size at first maturity of mantis shrimp (Oratosquilla oratoria), Huxley’s traditional model and polyphsic model were established for mantis shrimp collected from fishery independent surveys by trawl net in Bohai Bay from Apr. to Aug. 2018, and the size at first maturity was estimated. Our analyses showed that the polyphasic model was more suitable for fitting the length–weight relationship for mantis shrimp. According to Huxley’s traditional model, there were two independent spot clusters for the proportional residuals, which characterized two length–weight relationship groups. According to the polyphsic growth model, the sizes at first maturity were estimated as 10.99 cm, 11.01 cm and 10.85 cm for total, female and male mantis shrimp, respectively. These data suggest that a change in growth pattern could be related to a change in energy allocation related to the reproductive activities. When mantis shrimp, especially female, were in the period of maturity, more energy was allocated for sexual maturation, and perhaps decreased energy for somatic growth.

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  • 收稿日期:2020-07-09
  • 最后修改日期:2021-04-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-02-14