



S 917.4


上海市青年东方学者项目 (QD2017038);海州湾国家级海洋牧场示范项目 (D8005-18-0188)

Effect of pH, salinity and temperature on the oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Rhopilema esculenta

Fund Project:

Shanghai Young Oriental Scholar Project(QD2017038); Haizhou Bay National Marine Ranch Demonstration Project(D8005-18-0188)

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    为探究环境因子对海蜇耗氧率 (oxygen consumption rate,OCR)和排氨率 (ammonia excretion rate,AER)的影响,实验通过室内培养,测定了不同pH值、盐度和温度条件下,海蜇幼蜇和成蜇的OCR和AER的变化特征。结果显示,海蜇伞径与干重可用W= 0.002 2e0.124 8D表示,R2=0.972 4。海蜇幼蜇和成蜇的OCR和AER受pH值、盐度和温度影响显著。海蜇幼蜇和成蜇的AER和OCR随pH值的升高呈现先增大后减小的趋势,幼蜇和成蜇的2种代谢率分别在pH值为7.0和7.5时达到最大值,同时收缩次数最多。海蜇幼蜇和成蜇的AER和OCR随盐度的升高呈现先增后减的趋势,分别在盐度为25和20时达到峰值;盐度为20时收缩力最强。不同规格海蜇的OCR随温度升高而增加;AER则随温度升高呈先增大后减小的趋势,25 ℃达到峰值。海蜇在21 ℃时运动和进食最快,温度低于3 ℃或高于35 ℃海蜇则停止运动。幼蜇的AER Q10值为0.767~4.362,OCR Q10值为1.299~2.201;成蜇AER Q10值为0.617~4.147,OCR Q10值为0.714~2.519。不同条件下海蜇氧氮比 (O:N)的平均值为1.392±0.424,表明其主要以蛋白质代谢为主。本研究通过对海蜇在不同条件下进行代谢实验,探究了不同环境因子对海蜇的耗氧率和排氨率的影响,为实现我国海蜇资源的科学管理和可持续性的开发利用提供了技术支撑。


    Rhopilema esculenta is a common jellyfish with high economic value in the coastal areas of China. In order to explore the effects of changes in environmental factors on oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and ammonia excretion rate (AER), this study was conducted through indoor culture to analyze the change characteristics of OCR and AER of juvenile and adult R. esculenta under different pH, salinity and temperature conditions. The results showed that the diameter and dry weight of R. esculenta umbrella can be expressed by W= 0.002 2 e0.124 8D and R2=0.972 4. The changes of the AER and OCR of juvenile and adult R. esculenta were significant affected by pH, salinity and temperature. The AER and OCR of juvenile and adult R. esculenta increased first and then decreased with the increase of pH. Juvenile and adult R. esculenta reached their two max metabolic rates at pH=7 and pH=7.5 respectively, while the frequency of pulsations was the highest. The AER and OCR of juvenile and adult R. esculenta showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing with the increase in salinity, reaching their maximum when the salinity was 25 and 20 respectively, which had the strongest contraction force when the salinity was 20. The OCR of R. esculenta with different sizes increased with increasing temperature; while AER increased first and then decreased, reaching its maximum at 25 ℃. R. esculenta moved and fed at the fastest speed when the temperature was 21 ℃, and almost stopped moving when the temperature was lower than 3 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃. The AER Q10 of juvenile R. esculenta was 0.767-4.362, while the OCR Q10 was 1.299-2.201; the AER Q10 of adult R. esculenta was 0.617-4.147, and the OCR Q10 was 0.714-2.519. In this study, the average value of O∶N of R. esculenta under different conditions was 1.392±0.424, indicating that R. esculenta metabolized mainly by consuming protein. This research through the study of the metabolic experiment of R. esculenta under different conditions, explored the effects of different environmental factors on R. esculenta rate of oxygen consumption ammonia excretion rate, to achieve the scientific management of the R. esculenta resources in China and provides the technical support for sustainable development and utilization.


张硕,陈岱,刘家林,孙文,张俊波. pH、盐度和温度对海蜇耗氧率和排氨率的影响[J].水产学报,2023,47(4):049105

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  • 收稿日期:2021-03-16
  • 最后修改日期:2021-04-22
  • 录用日期:2021-10-26
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-04-16
  • 出版日期: 2023-04-01