



S 966.2


山东省农业良种工程 (2017LZGC009);国家自然科学基金 (41806196);山东省自然科学基金 (ZR2020QD097)

Response of juvenile abalone of Haliotis discus hannai to the combined stress of ocean acidification and deltamethrin

Fund Project:

Shandong Provincial Thoroughbred Project, 2017LZGC009;National Natural Science Foundation of China,41806196

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    为探究海水酸化与溴氰菊酯 (DM)复合暴露对皱纹盘鲍稚鲍的毒性效应,采用3个pH值 (8.1、7.7和7.4)和3个溴氰菊酯浓度 (0、0.6和6.0 μg/L)对稚鲍进行复合胁迫,并对贝壳微观结构与硬度、组织中抗氧化酶活性以及应激、凋亡相关基因表达量进行了检测。结果显示,经过海水酸化与溴氰菊酯复合暴露31 d后稚鲍贝壳CaCO3晶体沉积困难,文石板片变小并形成分散的板层堆叠,文石板片之间孔隙增大,并且伴随着贝壳硬度的显著降低。同时,海水酸化与溴氰菊酯能够引起稚鲍组织抗氧化酶活性的改变,其中超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)活性随着pCO2与溴氰菊酯浓度的上升而持续降低,并且在海水酸化与溴氰菊酯复合暴露下稚鲍SOD活性明显低于单一暴露物,说明海水酸化与溴氰菊酯对稚鲍SOD活性的影响具有明显交互作用。在相同pH暴露下,溴氰菊酯能够使稚鲍过氧化氢酶 (CAT) 与谷胱甘肽-S转移酶 (GST) 活性显著上升。此外,实验还观察到了稚鲍组织中应激基因与凋亡相关基因表达量随着pCO2与溴氰菊酯浓度的上升均有提高,并且海水酸化与溴氰菊酯暴露在HSP70、HSP90、Caspase-3以及FADD等基因表达量上具有明显协同作用。研究表明,海水酸化与溴氰菊酯暴露能够对稚鲍产生明显毒害效应,并且在引起稚鲍组织氧化应激与细胞凋亡的反应中具有一定交互作用。


    Since the industrial revolution, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been rising due to the heavy use of fossil fuel and deforestation. As the oceans and atmosphere exchange gases, the pH of seawater decreases. According to the IPCC, if CO2 emissions are not effectively reduced, the global surface seawater pH will fall to 7.7 by the 21st century and 7.4 by 2300. Acidification is a growing concern because of the damage it can cause to marine life. In addition, ocean acidification often does not occur in isolation, but often acts on marine life in concert with other stressors. Deltamethrin is one of the most widely used pyrethroid insecticides in the world because of its high activity and photostability to pests. Pyrethroid pesticides have little potential to pollute the environment, but they can enter organisms through the food chain and produce toxicity to aquatic organisms. Previously, pyrethroid residues of 6.36μg/L and 16.2μg/L were detected in coastal areas of Fujian and Zhejiang, respectively. At present, studies on deltamethrin toxicity to aquatic organisms mainly focus on acute and subacute toxicity tests of fish and shrimp, but few studies on shellfish. In order to investigate the toxic effects of seawater acidification and deltamethrin (DM) combined exposure on juvenile of Haliotis discus hannai, three pH values (pH 8.1, pH 7.7 and pH 7.4) and three deltamethrin concentrations (0, 0.6 and 6.0 μg/L) were used to stress juvenile of H. discus hannai. The microstructures and hardness of the shlls, the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the expression levels of genes related to stress and apoptosis in the tissues of juvenile of H. discus hannai were detected. The results showed that after the combined exposure of seawater acidification and deltamethrin for 31 days, the CaCO3 crystal deposition of juvenile abalone shells was difficult, the aragonite became smaller and formed scattered lamellar stacking, the pores between the aragonite increased, and the hardness of the shells decreased significantly. Meanwhile, seawater acidification and deltamethrin could change the activity of antioxidant enzymes in juvenile abalone. When the pH of seawater was 7.7 and 7.4 or the concentration of deltamethrin was 0.6 and 6, the SOD activity of juvenile abalone was lower than that of the control group, and the SOD activity of juvenile abalone under the combined exposure of seawater acidification and deltamethrin was significantly lower than that of single exposure, indicating that there was an obvious interaction between seawater acidification and deltamethrin on the SOD activity of juvenile abalone. However, deltamethrin significantly increased the activities of CAT and GST in juvenile abalone under the same pH exposure. In addition, this study also observed that the expression levels of stress genes and apoptotic genes in the tissues of juvenile abalone were increased with the increase of pCO2 and deltamethrin concentration, and there was a significant synergistic effect between seawater acidification and deltamethrin exposure on the expression levels of HSP70, HSP90, Caspase-3 and FADD. In conclusion, seawater acidification and deltamethrin exposure can produce significant toxic effects on juvenile abalone and play a certain interactive role in the reaction of tissue oxidative stress and cell apoptosis in juvenile abalone.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-04-24
  • 最后修改日期:2021-05-30
  • 录用日期:2021-08-03
  • 在线发布日期: 2022-11-14
  • 出版日期: 2022-11-01