





国家重点研发计划 (2018YFD0901001)

Effects of slaughter stress on freshness-locked products of Sebastes schlegelii

Fund Project:

Fund:National Key R & D Program of China (2018YFD0901001)

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    为通过产品设计改变许氏平鲉现有的初级农产品销售模式,从品质上限到锁鲜效应两方面开展探索。本研究从致死胁迫强度探索许氏平鲉的极限品质,包括最低胁迫下的品质上限,疲劳致死下的品质下限,并对比市售产品品质状况。然后,通过品质易逝期处置,探讨高端许氏平鲉冷鲜品的锁鲜效应。健康活体按致死胁迫程度分3个处理组,分别为最低胁迫-破坏脊髓(SCD)、低胁迫-断髓致死(SCC)和高胁迫-窒息致死(SA),市售产品则分别来自超市(SM)及鱼市(FM)。锁鲜措施为速杀后立即冷却鱼体至0 °C左右,鲜品贮藏条件为2 °C冷藏。从僵直指数、肌肉收缩率、断裂强度分析许氏平鲉死后僵直特性。从白度值、pH值、ATP及其关联物和显微结构等指标分析肌肉品质及其冷藏稳定性。结果显示:①最低胁迫下,许氏平鲉死后24 h才达到最大僵直且持续24 h,高胁迫组则在6 h后僵直指数就已达到90%,48 h后彻底解僵;肌肉收缩率与僵直指数相关,高胁迫下,肌肉在贮藏期间没有收缩迹象,而最低胁迫下的肌肉在最大僵直发生前快速收缩。冷藏期间肌肉断裂强度均呈下降趋势,而最低胁迫组显著延缓。② 最低胁迫有较高的初始ATP值,为2.83 μmol/g,最低pH值为6.58;低胁迫下,死后6 h ATP值为0.94 μmol/g,最低pH值为6.56;高胁迫下,死后6 h ATP值为0.50 μmol/g,最低pH值为6.54。③ 延迟效应的表现,冷藏过程中白度稳定无变化,肌肉纤维逐渐降解,肌肉细胞间隙扩大,但最低胁迫组可有效减缓上述趋势。④ 销售端品质现状的表现,鲜品品质分析结果表明,超市组与低胁迫组死后6 h品质相似,鱼市组与高胁迫组死后120 h的品质相似。研究表明,市售初级农产品许氏平鲉品质良莠不齐,通过锁鲜处置施加产品设计,不仅有效延长冷鲜货架期,且满足消费者对高品质的需求。


    China’s coastal commercial species of marine fish are both rich and varied. However, most of the catch is produced by the small-scale fisheries, and the small-scale landings are destined for local human consumption and sold as primary products. Economic benefit is constrained because lack of quality control concern. A construction of value chain based on freshness-locked products with upper limit quality instead of primary products is worth to explore. One of species, S. schlegelii was taken as case study. In order to change the existing sales mode of primary agricultural products of S. schlegelii through product design, the exploration was carried out from two aspects: the upper limit of quality and the effect of freshness-lock. Firstly, from the slaughter stress intensity, the limit quality of S. schlegelii was explored, including the upper limit of quality under the minimum stress and the lower limit of quality under fatigue death, compared with the quality status of commercial products. Then, through the management of quality determination period, the effect of freshness-locking on high end S. schlegelii was discussed. According to the degree of slaughter stress, healthy living animals were divided into three treatment groups: minimum stress-spinal cord destruction (SCD), low stress - spinal cord cutting (SCC) and high stress - suffocation in air (SA). The commercially available products were from supermarket (SM) and local fish market (FM), respectively. The measures of freshness-locking were to cool the fish to about 0 °C immediately after quick killing, and to refrigerate the fresh products at 2 °C. The characteristics of postmortem rigor of S. schlegelii were analyzed from rigor index, muscular contraction and breaking strength. The quality of muscle and its stability in cold storage were analyzed by whiteness value, pH value, ATP-related compounds and microstructure. The results showed that: ① Under the lowest stress, the maximum rigor of S. schlegelii reached 24 h after death and lasted for 24 h. In the high stress group, the rigor index reached 90% after 6 h and was free from rigor after 48 h. Muscular contraction is correlated with rigor index. Muscles under high stress showed no signs of contraction during storage, while those under low stress contracted rapidly before the occurrence of maximum rigor. During cold storage, muscle breaking strength showed a decreasing trend, but it was significantly delayed in the lowest stress group. ② Under the minimum stress, the initial ATP value was 2.83 μmol/g, and the minimum pH value was 6.58. Under low stress, ATP value was 0.94 μmol/g at 6 h after death, and the lowest pH was 6.56. Under high stress, ATP value was 0.50 μmol/g and the lowest pH was 6.54 at 6 h after death. ③ delayed effect, the whiteness of muscle fibers was gradually degraded and the space between muscle cells was expanded during cold storage, but the lowest stress group could effectively slow down the above trend. ④ quality status at the sales, the results of fresh product quality analysis of the supermarket group and the fish market group showed that the quality of the supermarket group was similar to that of the low stress group at 6 h after death, and the quality of the fish market group was similar to that of the high stress group at 120 h after death. To sum up, the commercially available primary agricultural products intermingle different levels of quality for S. schlegelii. The product design is applied through the treatment of freshness-locking, which not only effectively prolongs the shelf life of chilled fish, but also meets the needs of consumers for high quality.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-04-24
  • 最后修改日期:2021-06-18
  • 录用日期:2021-06-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-08-04
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