



Flow direction of main nutrient substances in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) during heat treatment
Fund Project:

National Key R&D Program Project

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    虾粉是南极磷虾最主要的加工产品之一,加工过程中,热处理会造成营养物质的流失和活性物质的破坏,是决定虾粉品质最主要的影响因素。为了掌握虾粉在加工过程中主要物质的变化情况及流向路径,通过测定蒸煮和干燥这两个涉及热处理的关键工序过程中,虾体内水分、灰分、蛋白质和脂质等主要营养物质的含量变化及脂肪酸、虾青素等功能成分的损失情况,分析各主要物质的流向路径及变化原因。结果显示,蒸煮过程中水分流失8.49%,干燥过程中水分流失63.5%,大多以蒸发的形式流失;蛋白质在蒸煮过程中流失1.12%,其中流向蒸煮液0.87%,流失部分主要为水溶性蛋白,干燥过程流失6.05%;脂质在蒸煮和干燥过程中分别减少1.11%和1.61%,进一步分析其脂肪酸组成,发现多不饱和脂肪酸含量由45.57%降至43.65%,其中EPA相对含量在蒸煮和干燥过程中分别减少0.41%和1.16%,DHA相对含量在蒸煮过程中变化不大,干燥过程中减少0.68%;虾青素是热敏性物质,受热处理的影响,在蒸煮和干燥过程中分别减少29.4和58.6 mg/kg;灰分含量在蒸煮、干燥过程中分别减少2.85%和0.85%。研究表明,蒸煮过程中,损失的主要物质为蒸煮液中的可溶性物质及少部分的热敏性物质,干燥过程主要造成水分的蒸发和虾青素等热敏性物质的破坏。研究初步掌握了南极磷虾虾粉加工过程中主要营养活性物质的含量变化与流向路径,分析了变化原因及主要影响因素,并提出了减少物质流失的方案,为后续南极磷虾粉加工工艺流程和参数的优化提供理论依据,对提高虾粉品质、促进南极磷虾资源高质化利用具有非常重要的意义。


    Shrimp meal is one of the most important processed products of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba). During processing, heat treatment will cause the loss of nutrients and the destruction of active substances, which is the most important factor that determines the quality of shrimp meal. In order to grasp the changes and flow paths of the main substances during the processing of shrimp meal, by measuring the changes in the content of main nutrients such as moisture, ash, protein, lipid and the loss of functional components such as fatty acids and astaxanthin in the two key processes involving heat treatment, cooking and drying, the flow path and reasons for changes of each main substance were analyzed. The results showed that 8.49% of water was lost during the cooking process, and 63.5% of the water was lost during the drying process, mostly in the form of evaporation; the protein lost 1.12% during the cooking process, of which 0.87% flowed to the cooking liquid, and the loss was mainly water-soluble protein. The loss of 6.05% during the drying process; the lipids were reduced by 1.11% and 1.61% during the cooking and drying processes. Further analysis of the fatty acid composition revealed that the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased from 45.57% to 43.65%. The relative content of EPA is reduced by 0.41% and 1.16% respectively during the drying process. The relative content of DHA does not change much during the cooking process, but is reduced by 0.68% during the drying process. Astaxanthin is a heat sensitive substance, which was affected by heat treatment and reduced by 29.4 and 58.6 mg/kg during the cooking and drying processes. The ash content was reduced by 2.85% and 0.85% during the cooking and drying process respectively; the results showed that the main substances lost during the cooking process were the soluble substances in the cooking liquor and a small part of the heat-sensitive substances, and the drying process mainly caused moisture evaporation and destruction of heat-sensitive substances such as astaxanthin. The study initially grasped the content changes and flow paths of the main substances during the processing of E. superba shrimp meal, analyzed the reasons for the changes and the main influencing factors, and discussed and proposed a plan to reduce the material loss, which can be used for the subsequent processing of Antarctic krill meal. The optimization of parameters provide a theoretical basis, which is of great significance for improving the quality of shrimp meal and promoting the high-quality utilization of E. superba resources.



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  • 收稿日期:2021-05-18
  • 最后修改日期:2021-06-14
  • 录用日期:2021-06-15
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-08-04