赤点石斑鱼Toll样受体 (TLRs)基因家族的鉴定、进化与表达

S 942


海南省重点研发基金 (ZDYF2021XDNY298);海南省自然科学基金 (320QN212)

Identification, evolution and expression pattern of Toll-like receptor gene family in Epinephelus akaara
Fund Project:

Key Research and Development Program Fund Project of Hainan Province (ZDYF2021XDNY298); Natural Science Foundation of Hainan Province (320QN212)

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    为研究赤点石斑鱼Toll样受体 (TLRs)的进化、分布及表达模式,本实验基于已公开的赤点石斑鱼基因组和转录组数据,利用Blast、系统进化与共线性等生物信息学方法,分析赤点石斑鱼TLRs基因家族的系统进化、染色体分布及在各组织中的表达模式。结果显示,在赤点石斑鱼中共鉴定出17个TLR基因,这些基因分属于5个亚家族 (TLR1、TLR3、TLR5、TLR7和TLR11),分别分布在24条染色体中的11条染色体上;17个TLR基因在赤点石斑鱼不同组织中具有不同的表达模式,然而,位于相同染色体上的TLR基因的不同拷贝则存在相似的表达模式。其中EaTLR18-1与EaTLR18-2均位于9号染色体上,二者的表达模式高度相似,均在心脏中高表达;同位于20号染色体上的EaTLR2-1aEaTLR2-1b的表达模式也高度相似,均在脑中高表达;EaTLR5MEaTLR5S同位于14号染色体上,二者不仅具有高度相似的LRR结构域,且在不同组织中的表达水平也高度相似;而位于18号染色体的EaTLR7与EaTLR8和位于4号染色体的EaTLR2-2与EaTLR3,其表达模式却存在明显差异。研究结果可为鱼类Toll样受体系统进化分析提供参考数据,也为进一步研究赤点石斑鱼Toll样受体基因的功能奠定基础。


    Toll-like receptor gene family is a class of conserved pattern recognition receptors, which plays an essential role in innate immunity providing efficient defense against invading microbial pathogens. Epinephelus akaara is one of the most important commercial marine fishes, and the main aquaculture industry in China is distributed along the coast of Fujian. The species is also considered a good model for studying immunity. Although TLRs have been extensively characterized in both invertebrates and vertebrates, a comprehensive analysis of TLRs in E. akaara is lacking. This research aims to study the systematic evolution, chromosome distribution, and expression regulation patterns of the Toll-like receptor genes in different tissues of E. akaara, based on the published genome and transcriptomic data of E. akaara, this study analyzed the phylogenesis, chromosome distribution, and expression regulation patterns of Toll-like receptor gene family in E. akaara tissues using bioinformatics methods including BLAST, phylogeny and synteny. The results showed that a total of 17 TLR genes were identified in E. akaara, which were divided into 5 subfamilies (TLR1, TLR3, TLR5, TLR7 and TLR11) and distributed on 11 of the 24 chromosomes. The 17 TLRs showed different expression patterns in different tissues. EaTLR1-2, EaTLR2-2, and EaTLR13-2 were mainly highly expressed in the spleen. EaTLR5M was highly expressed in the kidney, spleen, gills, and heart, but lowly expressed in other tissues. EaTLR5S was highly expressed in the kidney, liver, and spleen, but with low expression in other tissues. EaTLR18-1 and EaTLR18-2 were mainly expressed in the heart. EaTLR8 was highly expressed in all tissues except muscle and liver. EaTLR1-1, EaTLR2-1a, EaTLR2-1b, EaTLR3, EaTLR7, EaTLR9, EaTLR13-1, EaTLR21, and EaTLR22 were mainly highly expressed in the brain, spleen, kidney, and gill. In addition, EaTLR18-1 and EaTLR18-2 were both located on chromosome 9 with highly similar expression patterns. EaTLR2-1a and EaTLR2-1b were located on chromosome 20 and their expression patterns were also highly similar. In addition, EaTLR5M and EaTLR5S, which had high LRR domain similarity, were located on chromosome 14, and had high similarity in expression levels in different tissues. On the contrary, EaTLR7 and EaTLR8, which were located on chromosome 18, and EaTLR2-2 and EaTLR3, which were located on chromosome 4, had different expression patterns. These suggested that copies of TLR genes in the same chromosome may have similar expression patterns or functions. This work provided reference data for studying the evolution of the Toll-like receptor system in fish, and laid a foundation for further research on the function of Toll-like receptor genes in E. akaara.

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    发 布

陈桂森,曹贞洁,要欣平,魏曹莹,孙云,周永灿.赤点石斑鱼Toll样受体 (TLRs)基因家族的鉴定、进化与表达[J].水产学报,2022,46(5):760~773

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  • 在线发布日期: 2022-05-31
  • 出版日期: 2022-05-01