中西太平洋金枪鱼围网人工集鱼装置 (FADs)的集鱼特性




S 972.63+5


国家重点研发计划 (2019YFD0901502,2020YFD0901202);上海海洋大学科技发展专项;上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(18391900800)

Aggregation characteristics of fish aggregating devices (FADs) in tuna purse seine fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean

Fund Project:

National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFD0901502、 2020YFD0901202) , Special Fund for Science and Technology Development of Shanghai Ocean University and Scientific Research Program of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (18391900800)

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    为了解鱼类在人工集鱼装置 (FADs)周围的集群特性,基于2021年我国金枪鱼围网船在中西太平洋的回声探测浮标数据,对FADs投放后鱼类首次到达FADs的时间以及聚集的动态过程进行了探究。利用U检验和H检验分析了鱼类首次到达FADs时间的差异性,利用广义加性混合模型 (GAMMs)分析了金枪鱼类聚集生物量随FADs海上漂流时间和漂流速度的变化情况,结果显示:①鱼类首次到达FADs的时间为 (8.9±9.0) d,其中金枪鱼类为 (3.8±4.2) d,非金枪鱼类为 (16.0±8.9) d;②金枪鱼类在不同水下长度FADs下的首次到达时间存在显著差异,而非金枪鱼类无显著差异;③金枪鱼类在FADs周围的聚集生物量随FADs海上漂流时间呈现动态变化,约在其投放后第25天到达峰值,随后逐渐下降;④金枪鱼聚集生物量随着FADs漂流速度的增加而逐渐降低;⑤随机效应表明,水下长度为80 m的FADs下金枪鱼类聚集生物量一般最高,其次是60 m,90 m最低。研究表明,FADs投放后金枪鱼类往往先于非金枪鱼类到达,其首次到达时间与FADs的水下长度有关;具有较浅水下长度和缓慢漂流速度的FADs类型更易于吸引金枪鱼类在其周围聚集,同时,FADs投放后金枪鱼类逐渐聚集,生物量约在1个月时达到峰值,这可能反映了FADs投放后的最佳捕捞时机。本研究有助于进一步理解随附鱼群在FADs周围的行为模式,为设计开发高效生态友好型FADs、优化投网策略及制定针对随附鱼群的养护管理措施等提供科学依据。


    Fish aggregating devices(FADs) have been used for large-scale aggregation of tuna species for more than 30 years. In order to understand the aggregation characteristics of the fish around FADs,this study explored the day of first arrival day and the dynamic aggregation process of fish after the deployment of FADs based on the echo-sounder buoy data of Chinese tuna purse seine vessels in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean in 2021. The U and H tests were used to analyze the difference of fish first arriving day around FADs, and the generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) was used to analyze the variation of tuna biomass with the change of days at sea and drifting speed of FADs in the study. The results showed as follows: ① The first arriving day of fish was (8.9±9.0) days, including (3.8±4.2) days for tuna species and (16.0±8.9) days for non-tuna species; ② There was a significant difference on the first arriving day of tuna species around different submerged depth of FADs (P<0.05), but no significant difference was found in non-tuna species (P>0.05); ③ The aggregation biomass of tuna species around FADs varied dynamically with the drifting days of FADs, and reached the peak at around the 25th day after deployment, then gradually decreased; ④ The aggregation biomass of tuna decreased with the increase of drifting speed of FADs; ⑤ The random effect showed that the aggregation biomass of tuna around FADs of 80 m was generally the highest, followed by FADs of 60 m, while the FADs of 90 m was the lowest. This study showed that tuna species usually arrived earlier than non-tuna species after FADs were deployed, and the day of first arrival day of tuna species was related to the underwater length of FADs. FADs with shallower submerged length and slower drifting speed were more likely to attract tuna to aggregate around them. Meanwhile, tuna species gradually aggregated after FADs were deployed, and the biomass reached peak at around one month, which might reflect the optimal fishing time after the deployment of FADs. This study was conducive to further understanding the behavior pattern of floating objects associated schools, and provides scientific basis for the design of efficient and eco-friendly FADs, optimization of setting strategies and formulating of conservation and management measures for floating object associated schools.


肖俞辰,周成,万荣,张同征,王禹程,谢程兰,张禹.中西太平洋金枪鱼围网人工集鱼装置 (FADs)的集鱼特性[J].水产学报,2023,47(3):039719

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  • 收稿日期:2022-01-28
  • 最后修改日期:2022-02-27
  • 录用日期:2022-04-05
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-03-17
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