
1.上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306;2.上海海洋大学,自然资源部海洋生态监测与修复技术重点实验室,上海 201306;3.上海海洋大学,国家远洋渔业工程技术研究中心,上海 201306



陆化杰 (照片),从事头足类渔业生态学研究, E-mail:hjlu@shou.edu.cn

LU Huajie. E-mail: hjlu@shou.edu.cn



国家重点研发计划(2019YFD090402);国家自然科学基金(NSFC 41506184)

Accumulation of microplastics in stomach tissues of Japanese common squid (Todarodes pacificus)

1.College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;2.Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Monitoring and Restoration Technologies, Ministry of Nature Resources, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;3.National Distant-water Fisheries Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China

Fund Project:

National Key R & D Program of China (2019YFD090402); National Natural Science Foundation of China (41506184)

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    微塑料作为新型海洋环境污染物,具有化学性质稳定、难以降解的特点,可在海洋环境中长期积累,并在海洋生物体内沉积,最终可能对人类的健康产生威胁。为研究太平洋褶柔鱼胃组织中微塑料摄取特性及其与个体大小 (胴长和体重)、胃重和摄食等级的关系。本研究根据2018年1—3月中国生产调查船于中国东海海域采集的30尾太平洋褶柔鱼样本,利用统计和相关性分析的方法,对其胃组织中微塑料的积聚特性进行了研究。结果显示,30尾测定样本中,有16尾的胃组织中发现18个微塑料。微塑料丰度为0~3个/尾,平均丰度0.6个/尾;长度为0.332~4.337 mm,平均长度1.252 mm,其中72%的微塑料小于1.000 mm。微塑料颜色主要为黑 (38.9%)、白 (33.3%)、蓝 (22.2%)和灰 (5.6%),材质主要由棉(44.5%)、聚酯纤维(33.3%)和人造丝(22.3%)组成。相关性分析表明,太平洋褶柔鱼胃组织微塑料的含量与胃重、摄食等级无显著相关性,但与胴长、体重和日龄呈显著正相关,并随着胴长、体重和日龄的增加而增加。研究表明,太平洋褶柔鱼胃组织中微塑料的沉积随个体的生长而逐渐增多,这说明其对微塑料的摄入量大于排出量。本研究为探讨我国东海头足类微塑料摄取特点及东海微塑料污染特性提供参考。


    As a new type of marine environmental pollutant, microplastics are chemically stable and difficult to degrade, and can accumulate in the marine environment for a long time and be deposited in marine organisms, which may eventually pose a threat to human health, and therefore, are of concern to scholars from all areas. To investigate the microplastics uptake characteristics in stomach tissues of Todarodes pacificus (T. pacificus) and its relationship with individual size (mantle length and body weight), stomach tissue weight and feeding grade. In this study, a total of 30 samples of T. pacificus were collected in the East China Sea from January to March 2018 with Chinese production survey vessels. The accumulation characteristics of microplastics in their stomach tissues were investigated using statistical and correlation analysis. The study results showed that the mantle length of T. pacificus ranged from 87-208 mm, with an average mantle length of 159.6 mm; body weight ranged from 16-188 g, with an average weight of 91.6 g; stomach weight ranged from 0.1-7.3 g, with an average stomach weight of 0.71 g. The presence of microplastics was found in the stomach tissues of 16 samples of T. pacific, with a detection rate of 53.3%. In this study, 18 microplastic particles were found, and the abundance of microplastic ranged from 0 to 3 items/individual, with an average abundance of 0.6 items/individual; the size of particles ranged from 0.332 to 4.337 mm, with an average particle size of 1.252 mm, with 72% of the microplastic particles smaller than 1 mm. The colors of microplastics were mainly black (38.9%), white (33.3%), blue (22.2%) and gray (5.6%), and they consisted of cotton, polyester and rayon, accounting for 44.5%, 33.3% and 22.3% of the total, respectively. The correlation analysis showed that the content of microplastics in the stomach tissues of T. pacificus was not significantly correlated with its stomach tissues weight and feeding grade, but was significantly and positively correlated with mantle length, body weight and age. [Conclusion] The content of microplastics in the stomach tissues of T. pacificus increased gradually with the increase of mantle length, body weight and age. The deposition of microplastics in the stomach tissues of T. pacificus gradually increased with their individual growth, which indicated that their intake of microplastics was greater than its excretion. Whether this accumulation phenomenon continus unceasingly or the dynamic balance of intake and excretion is maintained when a certain amount is reached requires further study.



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  • 收稿日期:2023-02-07
  • 最后修改日期:2023-04-09
  • 录用日期:2023-05-09
  • 在线发布日期: 2023-07-11
  • 出版日期: 2023-07-01