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青岛海洋科技中心专项 (2022QNLM030002-2);上海市科学技术委员会青年科技英才扬帆计划 (23YF1459700)

Review of marine fishing equipment and technology
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    The modern marine fishing industry utilizes advanced technologies, including ships, machinery, information systems, and new materials to fish marine catch and to process and sell fishing products directly. The development and innovation of marine fishing equipment and technology play a crucial role in ensuring food security, protecting the coastal ecology and resources, achieving fishermen's income growth and new fishing village construction, promoting the adjustment and transformation of the fishery industry structure, and maintaining our country's marine rights and interests. This article focuses on the research progress in areas such as acoustic detection for marine fishing, innovation in marine fishing gear, and efficient intelligent fishing methods. It proposes development directions for marine fishing equipment and technology. These efforts aim to provide a reference for our country's marine fishing industry to achieve energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and sustainable resource use.

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