Abstract:Pelteobagrus vachelli and hybrid yellow catfish (P. vachelli♂×P. fulvidraco♀) exhibit significantly sexual dimorphism in growth. To obtain monosex populations of P. vachelli and hybrid catfish with improved growth performances, we investigated sex control technology and gynogenesis to produce YY super-male P. vachelli. First, we explored the effects of different dosages of estradiol valerate (EV) and 17β-estradiol (E2), as well as various treatment periods of E2, on gonadal differentiation, growth, and survival rate of P. vachelli. Then, the sex-reversed fish were used to identify the best condition for gynogenesis. Results showed that lower EV treatments (5 and 10 mg/kg) led to incomplete sex reversal in P. vachelli during 7-60 day-post hatching (dph). In contrast, 20 and 40 mg/kg E2 treatments resulted in complete feminization, with significantly higher body length, body weight, and survival rate compared to EV-treated fish. The feminization rate of P. vachelli treated with 20 mg/kg E2 was 100% during 22-40 dph, with growth performance and survival rate comparable to the control group. Cytological observations revealed that the separation of the second polar body from the female pronucleus of the fertilized egg occurred as early as 6 min post-fertilization at 25 °C. We optimized gynogenesis conditions by applying cold shock at 4 °C for 20 min to eggs at 6 min post-fertilization. A total of 62 gynogenetic fish were identified using a pair of genetic markers that efficiently distinguished yellow catfish, darkbarbel catfish, and their interspecific hybrids. Of these, 10 gynogenetic fish were sacrificed, and three were males, inferred to be YY super-males. Our results indicate that E2 treatment efficiently induces feminization of P. vachelli, and YY super-males can be obtained through gynogenesis of feminized P. vachell. This laid the foundation for the improvement and cultivation of all-male P. vachelli and all-male hybrid yellow catfish (P. vachelli, ♂×P. fulvidraco, ♀).