大黄鱼AUF1基因克隆及其促TNF-α mRNA降解活性分析






Molecular cloning of AUF1 gene from large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) and analysis of its TNF-α mRNA decay-promoting activity

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    目的 研究鱼类RNA结合蛋白AUF1对炎症因子mRNA表达的调节作用。方法 采用cDNA末端快速扩增技术克隆大黄鱼AUF1 mRNA的全长cDNA序列,命名为LcAUF1,并采用实时荧光定量PCR技术(RT-qPCR)检测Lcauf1基因的组织表达特异性、大黄鱼主要免疫器官脾脏和肾脏Lcauf1基因表达对副溶血弧菌攻毒的时序响应,以及通过构建四环素调控表达载体过表达LcAUF1,研究LcAUF1对TNF-α mRNA表达水平的调节作用。结果 LcAUF1 mRNA全长cDNA由266 bp的5′-非翻译区、954 bp的开放阅读框和193 bp的3′ -非翻译区组成,开放阅读框编码317个氨基酸残基;蛋白质序列分析显示,哺乳动物AUF1氨基酸序列和功能结构域在LcAUF1中高度保守;组织表达检测发现Lcauf1在大黄鱼机体中广泛表达,采集的9个组织中均检测到Lcauf1转录本,其中肌肉组织表达水平最高;副溶血弧菌攻毒2 h和12 h肾脏以及攻毒24 h脾脏中Lcauf1表达水平显著下调;RAW264.7细胞过表达 Lcauf1显著下调 LPS 处理 0.5、3.0 和 6.0 h 时 Tnf-α表达水平;进一步研究显示过表达 LcAUF1促进RAW264.7细胞Tnf-α mRNA降解。结论 AUF1在脊椎动物进化中结构和功能高度保守,LcAUF1也通过促进mRNA降解下调TNF-α mRNA表达水平,提示LcAUF1可能是大黄鱼炎症因子表达的重要调节蛋白,参与调节大黄鱼抗感染炎症因子表达平衡。本研究为深入探讨LcAUF1在大黄鱼抗感染炎症因子表达平衡调控中的作用及其在大黄鱼感染性养殖病害防治中的应用价值提供了参考数据。


    Hyperinflammation, induced by the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines, is a key pathogenesis in infectious diseases of cultured fish, such as hemorrhagic septicemia. Therefore, the biosynthesis of inflammatory cytokines is precisely regulated by transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms to ensure tight control of the production. The importance of AU-rich element-binding factor 1 (AUF1), a ubiquitously expressed mRNA binding protein also known as heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D0 (hnRNPD0), in maintaining the balance of inflammatory response has been well demonstrated in mammals, which it decreases the production of inflammatory cytokines by promoting mRNA decay. However, the regulatory effect of AUF1 on the expression of inflammatory factor mRNA in teleost fish remains unknown. To investigate the regulation of fish AUF1 on the mRNA expression of inflammatory factors, the full-length cDNA of an AUF1 homologue, LcAUF1, was cloned by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) from large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea), and its tissue-specific expression pattern and temporal expression in the spleen and kidney following Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection were investigated by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Additionally, the regulatory effect of LcAUF1 on TNF-α mRNA expression was detected by overexpression of LcAUF1 in RAW264.7 cells using a tetracycline-regulated expression system. The full-length cDNA of LcAUF1 was 1 413 bp in length, containing a 266 bp 5′ untranslated region (5′UTR), a 294 bp 3′UTR, and a 954 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 317 amino acids. Multiple alignment revealed that the amino acid sequences and typical functional domains of mammalian AUF1s are highly conserved in LcAUF1, and LcAUF1 clusters with its homologues from other teleost fishes in the phylogenetic tree. In healthy large yellow croaker, Lcauf1 transcripts were detected in all 9 tested tissues, with the highest level found in the muscle tissue. Upon V. parahaemolyticus challenge, the expression levels of Lcauf1 were significantly down-regulated at 2 h (0.51-fold, P<0.01) and 12 h (0.58-fold, P<0.001) post-infection in the kidney, and at 24 h (0.39-fold, P<0.001) in the spleen. In RAW264.7 cells, overexpression of LcAUF1 significantly decreased the expression level of TNF-α mRNA at 0.5 (0.84-fold, P<0.01), 3.0 (0.70-fold, P<0.001) and 6.0 h (0.77-fold, P<0.01) post LPS challenge. After inhibition of transcription by actinomycin D, overexpression of LcAUF1 in RAW264.7 cells significantly increased the degradation rate of TNF mRNA, but had no significant effect on the degradation rate of β-Actin mRNA. These results collectively indicated the structure and function of AUF1 are highly conserved in vertebrates, and LcAUF1 decreases the mRNA expression levels of inflammatory cytokine by promoting mRNA decay, suggesting that LcAUF1 may be an important regulator of inflammatory responses during infection. This study provides reference data for further exploring the role of LcAUF1 in the regulation of inflammatory cytokine expression and the application of LcAUF1 in the prevention and control of infectious diseases in the large yellow croaker industry.


何志巧,汪慧娟,郭盛泉,张晓林,严小军,申望.大黄鱼AUF1基因克隆及其促TNF-α mRNA降解活性分析[J].水产学报,2025,49(1):019406

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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-30
  • 最后修改日期:2024-06-16
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  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-21
  • 出版日期: 2025-01-01