• 2004年第28卷第5期文章目次
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    • >研究论文
    • 中国鲤几个代表种群基因组DNA遗传多样性分析

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (2102) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2377) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:中国鲤具有悠久的养殖历史和重要的经济价值,无论是天然种群还是养殖品种,年产量远超过其它鱼类.近几十年来,养殖新品种的开发获得成功,大大提高了产量,改善了品质.但是由于盲目的开发利用,许多重要的鲤养殖种类的种质资源遭到破坏."江西三红"(Cyprinus carpio var. Xingguonensis、 Cyprinus carpio var. wuyuanensis、 Cyprinus carpio var.wananensis)、黄河鲤(Cyprinusy carpio var.)和黑龙江野鲤(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus)是中国鲤几个具有代表性的养殖品种和野生种,在我国鲤鱼遗传育种研究中均占有非常重要的地位.应用第二代分子标记,即微卫星标记(microsatellite)84个,对以上5个具有代表性的中国鲤进行了全基因组DNA检测.结果表明,当退火温度提高至60℃时,有43对标记引物扩增出清晰的条带,其中有14对在群体间呈现多态性,扩增等位基因位点为2~4个.微卫星座位MFW4, MFW19,MFW23和 MFW26在群体内显示了高度的多态性, 扩增等位基因位点为7~13个.统计实验结果发现,"江西三红"3个品种间遗传差异较小,兴国红鲤和荷包红鲤的亲缘关系较近(0.93);属于同一亚种不同地理种群的黄河鲤和黑龙江野鲤具有较高的遗传相似性(0.89).另外,根据微卫星多态性分析结果,探讨了这5种鲤的遗传多样性.

    • 施氏鲟卵巢发育的组织学观察

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1994) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2233) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 不同因子对花鲈胚胎干细胞增殖的影响

      2004, 28(5).

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      摘要:胚胎干细胞( ES 细胞)是从动物早期发育胚胎中分离出来的具有发育全能性的一种未分化细胞系.维持花鲈胚胎干细胞( LJES1 )的体外生长、增殖及未分化状态需要在培养基中添加一些生长因子.实验通过配制省略1种或多种因子的培养基PESM 0~10,计数LJES1细胞在各培养基中增殖的数量,确定各种生长因子对LJES1细胞的增殖作用.同时,对LIF因子和bFGF因子的作用进行了重点的研究,发现LIF因子对早期的LJES1细胞增殖几乎没有作用,其主要作用是维持LJES1细胞的未分化状态,但对晚期LJES1 细胞的增殖有一定的作用;bFGF因子对LJES1细胞有强烈的刺激增殖的作用;鲈鱼胚胎抽提液(PEE)以及鲈鱼血清(FS)也促进了LJES1细胞的增殖,2-巯基乙醇(2-ME)具有还原血清中的含硫化合物、防止过氧化物对LJES1细胞的损害及促进贴壁的作用,因而也促进了LJES1细胞的增殖.

    • 溴化钠对鲤生长、甲状腺激素的影响及其在体内的蓄积

      2004, 28(5).

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    • 草鱼肠道中小肽与血液循环中肽的关系

      2004, 28(5).

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    • 文蛤的性腺发育和生殖周期

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1998) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2731) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 北太平洋柔鱼渔场浮游动物数量分布及与渔场的关系

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1987) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2059) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:根据2001年6-7月在北太平洋152?E~171?W、39?~42?N水域生态环境和资源综合调查资料,分析结果表明:调查水域浮游动物总生物量均值为92.12mg?m-3(0.81~1035.68 mg?m-3),其中中部(160?~180?E、39?~42?N)及西经水域(170?~178?W、40?~41?N)为113.51mg?m-3,西部水域(152?~157?E、41?~43?N)为22.89mg?m-3;桡足类丰度居首(42.11%),其次为海樽类(30.91%);伪细真哲水蚤(Eucalanus pseudattenuatus)、太平洋哲水蚤(Calanus pacifica)和软拟海樽(Dolioletta gegenbauri)为主要优势种.甲壳类的分布与柔鱼中心渔场存在较好的对应关系,中心渔场位于浮游动物总生物量高密集区(250~500mg?m-3)和甲壳类的最高丰度区(50~100 ind?m-3)内或边缘区;头足类幼体分布于磷虾类和端足类的高丰度区(10~25ind?m-3)内或边缘水域.

    • 基于GIS的考洲洋养殖水域水质状况分析

      2004, 28(5).

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    • 罗氏沼虾育苗循环水处理技术与模式

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (2007) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2485) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:将育苗用水经消毒及沉淀处理后作为试验基础用水,应用泡沫分离器、经预处理的生物滤器和紫外线消毒器等处理罗氏沼虾育苗循环水,使水质得到了有效控制.试验期间,对照池以大量换水及用药等传统方式维持水质,而试验池未曾用药和换水,较对照池节约水67.5%;试验池主要水质指标变化范围如下: NH3-Nm:0~0.010 mg?L-1,NO2--N: 0.01~0.63 mg?L-1,pH: 7.48~8.37, CODMn: 5.42~12.25mg?L-1, 细菌总数:(4.2~130)?103cell?mL-1, 弧菌数:(0.2~20)?102cell?mL-1;试验组出苗率为40%,高出对照组33.3%.生产性育苗试验中,试验池与对照池均获得了30%的出苗率.据试验结果及罗氏沼虾育苗特点,提出了处理罗氏沼虾育苗循环水的技术与模式.

    • 病原感染条件下中国对虾二倍体和三倍体血液学变化

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1794) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2005) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 蟹源致病性拟态弧菌的粘附及侵袭特性

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1917) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2321) 评论 (0) 收藏


    • 栉孔扇贝大规模死亡致病病原的研究

      2004, 28(5).

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    • 福建底拖网捕捞能力的分析

      2004, 28(5).

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    • >综述
    • 鱼类热忍耐温度研究进展

      2004, 28(5).

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      摘要:The paper is a review of the studies on the temperature of the thermal tolerance in fishes. It was described from four aspect : (1) The key parameters of temperature of thermal tolerance in fishes ; (2) The influence factors of temperature of thermal tolerance in fishes ; (3) The research methods of thermal effect of fishes ; (4) The evaluation of effects of thermal pollution on fishes , especially , with the coastal power station will be built in China recent years , the effects of thermal discharge water on the marine fisheries resource were discussed.

    • 海水池塘养殖模式优化:概念、原理与方法

      2004, 28(5).

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      摘要:Currently used seawater pond culture models are evaluated , and principles and methods in optimizing pond culture model are discussed in the present paper. The author indicates that application of the traditional polyculture has been limited in single pond. Inputted nutrients such as feed and fertilizer can’t be efficiently utilized by animals cultured in a pond with the traditional polyculture , resulting in huge waste discharge , which is regarded as a pollution source to coastal regions. The author suggests it should be possible to put several seawater ponds with different stocking structures together and optimize stocking and management systemically. Compared with the traditionally polycultured seawater ponds , ecological benefits and nutrients transport in the systemically optimized ponds would be amplified. The production performance of the systemically optimized ponds , therefore , would be increased and their pollution would be reduced.

    • 鱼粉在水产饲料中的应用研究

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1961) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2148) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:As a main protein source in aquafeeds , fish meal has been extensively studied. Fish sources , freshness , processing temperature , lipid quality and microbiological index are five main aspects of the evaluation of fish meal quality. This paper reviewed the researches on fish meal including the evaluation of fish meal quality , the use of fishmeal and the environmental problems. Biogenic amine is the main potential toxin in decomposed fish meal including mainly histamine , cadaverine , putrescine and tyramine and most studies showed that they could affect the fish growth performance and health. The determination of protein digestibility of fish meal includes pepsin2digestion method , animal test , capillary electrophoresis , etc. The content of phosphorus in fish meal and its utilization can introduce pollution to water bodies and the use of alternative protein and improvement of utilization of fish meal can help to reduce the pollution from fish meal.

    • >研究简报
    • 凫溪香鱼群体同工酶的生化遗传分析

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1931) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2165) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:30 ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis ) samples were collected from the cultural net in Fuxi Town , Ninghai County , Zhejiang Province. Polyarylamide gel electrophoresis was used to detect the expression of isozymes in 8 organsortissues: eye, liver, kidney, muscle, spleen, heart, gill andpectroralfin. ADH,CAT,POD,ACP, ALP,EST,LDH,MDH,ME,GcDH,SCD,GDH,SDH,SOD,ATP were analyzed and the biochemical genetic results showed that 15 isozymes were coded by 55 gene loci ,12 of which (ADH21 ,ADH24 ,CAT22 , POD23 ,ALP2 2 , EST23 , EST24 , LDH25, ME24 , GcDH24 , GDH, SDH22) were found polymorphic. The population of ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis) in Fuxi town showed the higher genetic diversity when compared with other freshwater fishes,with21.8%oftheproportionofpolymorphiclociand0.0459oftheaverageheterozygosityperloci. And we think the expression of CAT, POD and SOD of ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis ) can be used to evaluate the influence to body2protecting system of the fish when environmental factors were changed. The expression of isozymes in pectroral fin can be used as genetic marker in breeding of ayu ( Plecoglossus altivelis).

    • 正常鲤外周血白细胞cDNA文库的构建

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1974) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2556) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Leukocytes are key cells for the specific and nonspecific immune systems , it expresses different kinds of biodefense2related peptides and proteins including specific and nonspecific antimicrobial agents , and activators and regulators of the immune system. However,we know very little about the cellular interactions that initiate and control the adaptive immune response in fish. In order to clone and study immune2related and biodefense2related genes in carp ( Cyprinus carpio L. ) leucocytes , the cDNA library of carp leucocytes was constructed. First , the carp leucocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of normal carp , total RNA of leucocytes was extracted and from 2 ?108 leucocytes cells , and the output was 216μg , ODA260/ 280 > 1. 8 , mRNA was isolated with a column of oligo (dT) cellulose. Second, single2strand cDNA and double2strand cDNA were synthesized from 5μg mRNA using Stratagene HybriZAP22. 1 XR cDNA synthesis kit , then ligated to EcoR I adapters , size fractionating with CHROMA Spin2400 column. Finally cDNA were ligated into HybriZAP22. 1 vector and packaged in vitro. The obtained carp leucocyte cDNA library contains 5. 79 ?106 recombinants , the percentage of vectors with inserts was 99. 4 % and the average inserts size were between 0. 4 ?103 -3.0 ?103bp. After amplification , the titer of amplified library was 4. 22 ?109pfu?mL -1 . This normal carp leucocytes cDNA library gives an ideal basis for further study of carp immune system.

    • 蓝太阳鱼生长激素全长cDNA的克隆与序列分析

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1827) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2376) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The full length cDNA encoding growth hormone of a freshwater f ish, Lepomis cyanellus, (LcGH) was cloned from pituitary RNA with RT-PCR, 3..and 5.. RACE ( rapid amplif ication of cDNA ends) . The LcGH cDNA ( Genbank No. AY530822) , about 989nt ( nucleotide) long, consisted of a open reading frame with 615nt long, 5..and 3..untranslated regions with 93nt and 224nt long respectively, and a 57nt poly ( A) tail. The DNA sequence analysis showed that there are typical Kozak sequence and polyadenylation signal. The pregrowth hormone peptide of 204aa deduced from LcGH cDNA included a putative signal peptide ( 17aa) locating in its Nterminal. There exist a Asn-Cys-Thr glycosylation site at amino acid 201, and 4 cysteine residues ( No. 69, 177, 194, 202) that are essential to construct two S-S bonds in this pregrowth hormone peptide. Homological comparision among LcGH and other species growth hormones showed that There is high homology ( more than 85% ) between growth hormone of Lepomis cyanellus and that of most perciformes fish, but low homology ( less than 70%) in comparison with other species such as Siluriformes and Cypriniformes f ish.

    • 奥利亚罗非鱼(♀)、鳜(♂)及其子代间遗传关系的研究

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (2089) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2461) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:Mature eggs of Oreochromis aurea were obtained with artificial reproduction technology , and the hybrids were acquired with Siniperca chuatsi ( ♂) using artificial insemination . Genomic DNA of O. aurea ( ♀), S. chuatsi ( ♂) and their progeny were examined using RAPD method. Only 2 primers (S336 , OPZ06) of screened 11 random primers could be amplified into two specifically RAPD bands on progeny which were the same as those of S . chuatsi ( ♂) and did not exist in O. aurea ( ♀) , and other amplified bands on progeny were all from O. aurea ( ♀) . Genetic similarity index was 0. 858 between the progeny and O. aurea ( ♀) , while that was 0. 049 between the progeny and S . chuatsi ( ♂). This indicated that the genetic substance of progeny was mostly from Studies on hereditary relationship between Oreochromis aurea ( ♀), YANG Hong , XIA De2quan ,LIU Lei , WU Ting2ting ( Freshwater Fisheries Research Center , Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Wuxi  214081 , Siniperca chuatsi ( ♂) and their offspring China) O. aurea ( ♀) . The primary function of sperm from S . chuatsi ( ♂) was stimulating development of eggs from O. aurea ( ♀) , at the same time little genetic substance of S . chuatsi ( ♂) appeared in the progeny , which laid the foundation for breeding of fine varieties having characters of O. aurea ( ♀) and S . chuatsi ( ♂).

    • 盐度对黄鲷胚胎发育及早期仔鱼生长的影响

      2004, 28(5).

      摘要 (1713) HTML (0) PDF 0.00 Byte (2209) 评论 (0) 收藏

      摘要:The effect of salinity on embryo and early larva development of Dentex tumiforns was discussed. Floating forms of egg in different salinities , optimal salinity for embryonic development and early larva growth was studied. The results showed : 1. In immobile condition , all eggs sank at salinity of 32. 0 , most of eggs suspended in the middle of water at 34. 0 , and all eggs floated on the surface when salinity above 36. 0. 2. Eggs did not hatch out at salinity of below 10. 0 or above 60. 0 and the death time of egg gradually moved up with increase or decline of salinity. Eggs hatched out at salinity range of 15. 0 and 50. 0 ,including abnormal larva. There was indistinct difference in speed of embryonic development (about 36 -40h) within the salinity of 15. 0 and 50. 0. However the salinity had a great effect on larval survival after hatching and abnormal rate. The relation between hatching rate and salinity variation showed parabola but abnormal rate showed inverted parabola. The hatching rate was 81 % -86 % and abnormal rate of yolk sac larva was 27 % -30 % in suitable salinities of 27. 0 -39. 0. The hatching rate was 89 % -91 % and abnormal rate was 13 % -16 % in optimal salinities of 33. 0 36.0. The oil ball of abnormal larva was located in the central or front position. With increased extent of salinity , spondyle of larva bended and number of larva with arrhythmia increased. 3. The optimal salinities were 30. 0 -35. 0 based on SAI. The test with SAI showed that SAI of early larvae was 41. 25 -47. 53 at salinities of 30. 0 -35. 0 , the yolk and oil ball of 7 -8 days larva was completely absorbed with a survival rate of 88 %.

    • 黄海玉筋鱼资源及其可持续利用

      2004, 28(5).

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      摘要:The specimens for biological study were collected from the spawning and feeding ground of Ammodytes personatus and the A . personatus fishing condition data for the f ishery management were collected in 1999- 2003. The compositions of food organisms of A. personatus in the coast of southern Shandong peninsula include the Copepoda, Chaetognatha , Amphipoda, Decap oda and Euphausicea. From summer season to the spawning stage, A. personatus distributed in the northern Yellow Sea do not take food. The absolute majority of A. personatus mature during their first year of life and this f ish spawns once a year. The main spawning season is f rom the end of October to November. In the earlier stage, the temperature for the spawners is about 11. 8bC and salinity is about 31. 686. The individual absolute fecundity ( eggs) ranges from 0. 45 @ 104 to 5. 10 @ 104( mean 1. 79 @ 104 ) . The relation equation between absolute fecundity and net weight ( g ) is E = 1867. 7129610 W1. 209953873. The relation equation between absolute fecundity and body length ( mm) is E = 0. 000175549 L 3. 70261414 . The catch of A. personatus consists of 3 year classes, from age group . to age group ? , excluding the age group 0. The otolith was used for age determination. To cite 2002 as example, the length-weight relationship is calculated to be W= 0. 001906 L3. 17039. The faunal characteristics of f ishes of the Yellow Sea is quite different in composition from the other parts of the China Sea. Almost 90% of the Yellow Sea f ish belong to warmtemperate and warm-water fishes, only a few species belong to cold-temperate species. As a cold-temperate species, A. personatus is valuable legacy of ecosystem evolution of the Yellow Sea. In view of the above, sustainable utilization of this fish species is more important .








